Karate beoefenen kan niet zonder respect voor de tegenstander.
Met zelfbeheersing en doorzettingsvermogen leert men kracht, snelheid en reactievermogen te ontwikkelen. De beoefening van Karate geeft harmonie van lichaam en geest. Hoe meer men traint, hoe meer vorderingen men maakt. Behalve een grote technische vaardigheid en kennis maakt het evenwicht tussen geest en lichaam iemand tot een gewaardeerd karateka.”
What We Offer
Testing consists of demonstration of techniques before examiners panel, vary by school.
Kata is a sequence of movements and represents various offensive and defensive postures.
Typically this is performance in unison of a technique or a combination of techniques by karateka.
Traditional karate places emphasis on self-development: perseverance, fearlessness, virtue.
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Training Programs
Karate can be practiced as an art, self defense or as a combat sport. Traditional karate places emphasis on self-development.
Karate can be practiced as an art, self defense or as a combat sport. Traditional karate places emphasis on self-development.
Karate can be practiced as an art, self defense or as a combat sport. Traditional karate places emphasis on self-development.
Our Results in Numbers
A 1985 study found that children in martial arts have an increased sense of responsibili-
ty, and a higher sense of self-esteem.
Our Instructors
Aaron Green
Karate can be practiced as an art, self defense or as a combat sport. Traditional karate places emphasis on self-development.
Rebecca Pierce
Karate can be practiced as an art, self defense or as a combat sport. Traditional karate places emphasis on self-development.
People About Us
Upcoming Events
The examination will begin with an introduction speech on what martial arts mean to you.
Welcome to our annual karate tournament where we compete, learn and support our team.